Business model

Through our value chain we draw on various resources (inputs) to create innovative products and solutions. The corresponding outputs and outcomes deliver growth that have a positive impact on nature, people and communities.
Our value creation process begins with resources called capital inputs.

Financial capital
- A– S&P, Baa1 Moody's Investment Grade Credit Rating
- CHF million 4,237 of equity

Intellectual capital
- >65 creation and research centres
- CHF million 522 R&D spend

Human capital
- > 16,670 employees
- 1,806 managers took part in the leadership programmes since 2015

Natural capital
- > 12,400 different raw materials sourced
- 26% of raw materials sourced locally

Operations capital
- 78 production sites supporting our customers' growth globally
- 3-4% of sales invested annually in Capex

Social and relationship capital
- 17,300 suppliers
- 68 community projects in 28 countries
Our value creation
How we operate
Our value chain
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Our business model uses these capital inputs for the realisation of our business activities. Taste & Wellbeing, and Fragrance & Beauty, aim to shape the future of food, fragrances and beauty by becoming the innovation and co-creation partner of choice to our customers.

Financial capital
- CHF million 7,117 sales
- 20.9% comparable EBITDA

Intellectual capital
- 4,000 active patents worldwide
- > 20% of sales resulting from innovations developed over the last five years

Human capital
- 27% of senior leaders from high growth markets
- –36% reduction of recordable case rate

Natural capital
- –35% GHG reduction scope 1+2
- –13% water withdrawal rate for sites located in areas facing water-stress

Operations capital
- 126,460 products sold
- Opening of our Consumer & Sensory Insights centre and the integrated fragrance encapsulation centre

Social and relationship capital
- 100% of our production sites are registered on Sedex
- 100% of our Taste & Wellbeing production sites are GFSI-certified standards
+ Impacts
– Impacts
Mitigation measures
+ Impacts
– Impacts
Mitigation measures
+ Impacts
– Potential impacts
Mitigation measures
Long-term growth for our stakeholders, our business, for society and the planet
Effective and transparent governance
Our contributions to the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals