Our ambitions

Aligned with our 2025 strategy ‘Committed to Growth, with Purpose,’ we have established ambitious financial and non-financial targets.
We have made significant progress towards our ESG goals, turning responsibility into an opportunity to create shared value for our stakeholders and the planet.
In 2024, we have already achieved our ambition to convert 100% of our electricity supply to fully renewable sources by 2025. Looking ahead, we are committed to becoming a climate positive business, addressing scope 1+2+3 emissions in line with the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol.
Our environmental ambitions are reflected in our leadership in water stewardship, which ensures the protection of water-dependent ecosystems and encourages the sustainable use of resources.
We also drive continuous improvement in waste reduction, with a strong focus on avoiding landfill disposal. As part of our long-term sustainability goals, we aim to eliminate single-use plastics across all sites and operations, replacing them with eco-friendly alternatives.
From a social ambitions perspective, by 2025, we aim to enhance how we care for all our people. Building on this, by 2030, we are committed to sourcing all materials and services responsibly, ensuring the protection of both people and the environment. Our efforts will also improve the lives of millions in the communities where we source and operate.
Our ambitions
Before 2050, we will be a climate positive business based on scope 1+2+3 emissions according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol
Target: Our operations
Before 2030,
our operations’ carbon emissions
(scope 1+2) will be cut by 70%
Before 2040,
we will be climate positive
(baseline 2015)
– 48%
Actions and measures
- Setting an internal carbon price
- Fixing site environmental targets and assessments
- Switching to renewable energy sources
- Signing the UN pledge ‘Business Ambition for 1.5°C’
- Promoting energy efficiency
Target: Our supply chain
Before 2030,
our supply chain emissions
(scope 3) will be cut by 20%
Before 2050,
we will be climate positive
(baseline 2015)
+ 6%
Actions and measures
- Sourcing ingredients responsibly
- Developing low-carbon creations
- Driving circularity and upcycling
- Optimising packaging, logistics, transport of goods, business travel and employee commuting
- Supplier engagement
Target: Our electricity
100% of our entire
electricity supply
to be converted to
fully renewable sources
by 2025
Actions and measures
- Committing to RE100 since 2015
- Setting site renewable electricity targets
- Generating on-site renewable electricity
We act as a role model in water stewardship, working to protect water-dependent ecosystems and encouraging the sustainable use of resources
Target: Water efficiency
Improve water efficiency
by a 25% water withdrawal
rate reduction on sites
facing water stress
by 2030 (baseline 2020)
– 27%
Actions and measures
- Assessing opportunities and implementing projects to reduce our water withdrawal
- Applying water circularity principles in and around our production sites
- Implementing new technologies to reuse and recycle water in our operations
- Carrying out water risk assessments
- Driving continuous improvement using the 3R approach: ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’
Target: Water efficiency
We will continuously
improve water efficiency
on all other sites by a
water withdrawal rate reduction
– 9%
Actions and measures
- Assessing opportunities and implementing projects to reduce our water withdrawal
- Applying water circularity principles in and around our production sites
- Implementing new technologies to reuse and recycle water in our operations
- Carrying out water risk assessments
- Driving continuous improvement using the 3R approach: ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’
Target: Wastewater
100% of our wastewater discharge
will meet or exceed regulatory
and industry standards
by 2030
Actions and measures
- Implementing our wastewater standard
- Tracking site water quantity and quality
Driving continuous improvement in waste reduction and management with a focus on landfill disposal avoidance.
Before 2030, we will replace single-use plastics with eco-friendly alternatives across our sites and operations.
Target: Landfill
We will reach zero operational1
waste directed to landfill
for all manufacturing sites
by 2030
Actions and measures
- Applying circular principles in product design, sourcing, manufacturing and packaging
- Upcycling to reuse materials normally disposed of
- Acting on the principle of ‘no waste by design‘
- Excluding one-time-only waste and waste sent to landfill only when other existing technical alternatives are not allowed due to regulatory requirements.
- The status shows the percentage of sites already reaching our target.
Target: Disposal intensity
We will decrease
our operational waste for
disposal intensity by 15%
by 2030 (baseline 2020)
– 8%
Actions and measures
- Applying circular principles in product design, sourcing, manufacturing and packaging
- Upcycling to reuse materials normally disposed of
- Acting on the principle of ‘no waste by design‘
Target: Plastics
100% of plastics circularity
by 2030
< 2%
Actions and measures
- Defining plastics circularity
- Reducing our plastic usage and increasing recycling
- Increasing share of renewable materials in packaging
- Joining the Biospeed consortium
- Contributing to a WBCSD plastic and packaging workgroup defining a transition for B2B chemical products
Before 2030, we will be an even more balanced and inclusive Company.
Target: Inclusion
We will be rated
amongst the leading employers
for inclusion globally
before 2025
Actions and measures
- Inclusive job ads
- Balanced slates for hiring and promotion
- Hiring manager training
- Striving towards equal pay
- Managing unconscious bias at work
- Removing workplace barriers through dedicated initiatives
- Internal inclusion score.
Target: High-growth markets
50% of our senior leaders
will be from high-growth markets
before 2030
Actions and measures
- Assessing and reviewing the numbers of our workforce, particularly relating to gender and nationality
- Tracking progress in this regard, including the percentage of women and high growth market nationalities in leadership positions
Target: Women
50% of our senior leaders
will be women
by 2030
Actions and measures
- Assessing and reviewing the numbers of our workforce, particularly relating to gender and nationality
- Tracking progress in this regard, including the percentage of women and high growth market nationalities in leadership positions
Before 2025, we will improve how we care for all of our people.
By 2030, we will improve the lives of millions of people in communities where we source and operate.
Target: Recordable case rate
We will reduce our
total recordable case rate by 50%
before 2025 (baseline 2018)
– 34%
Actions and measures
- Investing in our plant and technical equipment
- Further developing our Responsible Care Management System
- Conducting periodic assessment of risk and control on site
- Expanding our behavioural safety programme: advanced safety leadership training and comprehensive worker trainings on health and safety
Target: Health and mental wellbeing
100% of our employees
on our sites will have access to
mental and physical health
initiatives, tools and training
before 20251
Actions and measures
Providing access to mental and physical health initiatives, tools and training for all employees:
- Employee assistance programme
- Setting workplace wellbeing standards: baseline setting and commitment to annual review
- Of sites with more than 20 employees and who participated in 2023 data collection exercise. This is now the baseline percentage
Target: Communities
We will improve the lives
of millions of people in
communities where we
source and operate
by 2030
Actions and measures
Through employee activities, Green Teams and the Givaudan Foundation, develop initiatives that:
- Respond to needs within communities
- Support activities ranging from health and education to enhancing environmental and agricultural practices
Between 2021 and 2025 our financial targets remain central to our strategic roadmap of delivering growth in partnership with our customers, through creating inspiring products for happier, healthier lives, with love for nature.
Target: Sales growth
4.0-5.0% average like-for-like1
sales growth
between 2021-2025
STATUS 2021-2024
Actions and measures
- Focusing on our strategic growth drivers
- Focusing on renewable, biodegradable and viable natural solutions
- Addressing health and wellbeing issues; expanding our portfolio
- Greater collaboration and co-creation
- Exploiting AI and digital opportunities; increasing operational efficiencies
- Like-for-like (LFL) is defined as: (a) sales calculated using the invoicing exchange rates of the prior year, (b) excluding sales of businesses acquired from the acquisition date until the period end date, up to 12 months from the acquisition date, and (c) excluding sales of the businesses disposed of from the disposal date until the period end date of the comparable prior period.
Target: Free cash flow
>12% of sales
average free cash flow2
as % of sales
between 2021-2025
STATUS 2021-2024
Actions and measures
- Focusing on our strategic growth drivers
- Focusing on renewable, biodegradable and viable natural solutions
- Addressing health and wellbeing issues; expanding our portfolio
- Greater collaboration and co-creation
- Exploiting AI and digital opportunities; increasing operational efficiencies
- Free Cash Flow (FCF) refers to operating cash flow after net investments, interest paid, lease payments and purchase and sale of own equity instruments.
By 2030, we will source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment.
By 2030, we will improve the lives of millions of people in communities where we source and operate.
Target: Materials and services
100% of materials and services
will be sourced responsibly
by 2030
Actions and measures
- Focusing on our strategic growth drivers
- Focusing on renewable, biodegradable and viable natural solutions
- Addressing health and wellbeing issues; expanding our portfolio
- Greater collaboration and co-creation
- Exploiting AI and digital opportunities; increasing operational efficiencies
- Percentage by procurement spend, flagged as sourced responsibly upon completion of basic due diligence as defined in our Sourcing4Good programme.
Target: Improve lives
We will improve the lives
of millions of people in
communities where we
source and operate
by 2030
Actions and measures
Through employee activities, Green Teams and the Givaudan Foundation, develop initiatives that:
- Respond to needs within communities
- Support activities ranging from health and education to enhancing environmental and agricultural practices
Photo by Samy