Planting the seeds of changing attitudes

Many of today’s consumers want to enjoy a diverse, well-balanced diet by reducing their consumption of animal protein and introducing plant-based protein alternatives. 

Mixed plate

The adoption of plant-based diets is now widespread. Ethical concerns over animal welfare, greater consideration for the environment, and general issues over personal health are leading many to reduce reliance on traditional meat products.

Our Plant Attitude platform reflects consumers’ conscious decisions to be part of the shift towards a global food transformation.

A major factor for change, beyond personal health, is the negative environmental impacts of animal farming. Plant based-diets on the other hand are recognised as 'planet friendly' requiring less GHG emissions to facilitate. In creating solutions for plant-based consumer products, Givaudan enables more of these products to come to market, leading to greater choice for consumers and lower-emission diets overall.

We also engage with suppliers in sourcing low-emission ingredients and develop our own low-emission products thanks to science and technology innovations like biotech, which plays an important role in the development of cell-cultured foods. We take a holistic approach and the combined outcomes are considerable.

We estimate that through our Plant Attitude platform we have helped reduce over 6 million tonnes of CO2e from consumers’ diets in 2022.
