Hot springs

ESG progress

In 2023, ESG matters were a major theme the world over and a catalyst for change in Switzerland. More stringent regulations bring new challenges, yet allow us to show our solid position in terms of reporting and environmental and social KPIs.  

We developed for the first time a double materiality assessment, allowing us to reevaluate our ESG impacts and risks comprehensively. These efforts confirmed the direction we have taken, notably in terms of the material topic ‘climate change’, and underscored the relevance of areas where we have been placing more emphasis, including ‘biodiversity’, ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’.

Efforts to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources are propelling us towards climate positivity while a thorough review of our water footprint has identified scope for optimising efficiency, an integral element of our environmental protection efforts.

With our people, we are striving to become even more balanced and inclusive, improving how we care for all. In our ongoing efforts towards equality, we target equal pay and active management of unconscious bias. Removing workplace barriers and pursuing dedicated initiatives allows us to foster a more inclusive environment.

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our workforce, we are expanding our behavioural safety programme to create a culture of safety and reduce workplace incidents. Providing access to mental and physical health initiatives, tools, and training allows us to support the wellbeing of our workforce.

ESG efforts extend not only to our employees, but also to the communities where we source and operate. Respecting human rights and appropriate labour conditions is essential to being a responsible corporate citizen. In 2023, we ensured that our due diligence and transparency related to minerals and metals from conflict zones and child labour meet the newest regulations, including Switzerland’s Code of Obligations.

By focusing on these goals, we can improve the lives of millions and promote a company culture that values the wellbeing of its employees and the communities it serves, all while caring for the environment.

Finally, we would like to express our thanks to our colleagues, customers, partners and suppliers for their continued commitment and collaboration. 

Willem Mutsaerts, Head of Global Procurement and Sustainability
Willem Mutsaerts, Head of Global Procurement and Sustainability
Simon Halle-Smith, Head of Global Human Resources and EHS
Simon Halle-Smith, Head of Global Human Resources and EHS



Our ambitions

Our environmental ambitions

Before 2050, we will be a climate positive business based on scope 1+2+3 emisisions according to the greenhouse gas (GHG) protocol.

Emissions  Our operations’ carbon emissions (scope 1+2) will be cut by 70% before 2030 and will be climate positive before 2040 (baseline 2015)  –43%  
Our supply chain emissions (scope 3) will be cut by 20% before 2030 and will be climate positive before 2050 (baseline 2015)  –8%  
Electricity100% of our entire electricity supply to be converted to fully renewable sources by 202594%


We act as a role model in water stewardship, working to protect water-dependent ecosystems and encouraging the sustainable use of resources

WaterImprove water efficiency by a 25% water withdrawal rate reduction on sites facing water stress by 2030 (baseline 2020)–18%
We will continuously improve water efficiency on all other sites by a water withdrawal rate reduction–3%
100% of our wastewater discharge will meet or exceed regulatory and industry standards by 203080%


Driving continuous improvement in waste reduction and management with a focus on landfill disposal avoidance. 

Before 2030, we will replace single-use plastics with eco-friendly alternatives across our sites and operations

WasteGivaudan will reach zero operational1 waste directed to landfill for all manufacturing sites by 203058%2
Givaudan will decrease its operational waste for disposal intensity by 15% by 2030 (baseline 2020)+8%
Plastics100% plastics circularity by 2030< 2%


Our social ambitions

Before 2023, we will be an even more balanced and inclusive Company

Diversity, equity and inclusionWe will be rated amongst the leading employers for inclusion globally before 202574%3
50% of our senior leaders will be from high-growth markets before 203028%
50% of our senior leaders will be women before 203028%


Before 2025, we will improve how we care for all of our people

Caring for employee safety, health and mental wellbeingWe will reduce our total recordable case rate by 50% before 2025 (baseline 2018)–47%
Everyone on our sites will have access to mental and physical health initiatives, tools and training before 202582%4


By 2030, we will source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment

By 2030, we will improve the lives of millions of people in communities where we source and operate

Communities benefit by working with Givaudan100% of  materials and services will be sourced responsibly by 203033%5
We will improve the lives of millions of people in communities where we source and operate by 2030440,660
  1. Excluding one-time-only waste and waste sent to landfill only when other existing technical alternatives are not allowed due to regulatory requirements.

  2. The status shows the percentage of sites already reaching our target.

  3. Internal inclusion score.

  4. Percentage of sites with more than 20 employees and who participated in the 2023 data collection exercise. This is now the baseline percentage.

  5. Percentage by procurement spend, flagged as sourced responsibly upon completion of basic due diligence as defined in our Sourcing4Good programme.


Our progress in governance

Responsible sourcing and community indicators

People benefiting from community initiatives215,059440,660
Advanced level projects in our Sourcing4Good programme2528
Percentage of total materials and services by procurement spend sourced responsibly19.5%33.0%
– percentage of which are Naturals portfolio spend26.0%76.0%
– percentage of which are synthetics raw materials spend6.0%22.0%
– percentage of which are indirect materials and services spendin progressin progress


Human rights indicators

Child labour and vigilance modules  
– Number of key supply chains covered by human rights child labour trainings or field walk-throughs21427
– Number of supplier partners trained in human rights and child labour33002,500

Givaudan human rights employee modules
– Number of human rights and business trainings completed by employees40187
– Number of modern slavery trainings completed by employees40622
  1. Percentage by procurement spend, flagged as sourced responsibly upon completion of basic due diligence as defined in our Souring4Good programme. 

  2. Cumulative since 2021; we aim to cover 100 key supply chains by 2030.

  3. Cumulative since 2021.

  4. Training launched in 2023.


Board of Directors and Executive Committee

Number of members77
Number of women21
Years average tenure5.49.6
Nationalities represented56
Total compensation paid in millions of Swiss francs2,986,34519,609,588


External recognitions
CDP rating 2023
Fifth double ‘A’ in 2023 for climate and water and A– in forests. CDP Leaderboard recognition for supplier engagement in 2022.*
RE100 Leadership Awards
RE100 Awards
Givaudan named ‘Enterprising Leader’ at the 2023 RE100 Awards.
Awarded the EcoVadis gold medal with a score of 73/100.
World Benchmarking Alliance
World Benchmarketing Alliance
Givaudan ranked 5th in the 2023 Nature Benchmark.
A score of 20.9 and a chemicals industry ranking of 32 out of 562.
MSCI ESG AAA Rating since 2017.

* the CDP 2023 results were published in March 2024 – after the publication of this report – and are available on - sustainability


Focus on our 2023 actions
Pedro Escobedo
Driving the decarbonisation of our operations
Distilling patchouli
Regenerative patchouli farming in Sulawesi
Pampa water
Expanding the scope of our water assessment
Innovative solutions targeting waste
Improving livelihoods in jasmine production
People at work
Together we care for our people and our place
Pride Month
Engaging globally through diversity, equity and inclusion
Woman with soda
Creating the feel-good factor