Financial performance

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  • Financial highlights
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Financial highlights
Component content

Full year Group sales were CHF 6,915 million, an increase of 4.1 % on a like-for-like (LFL) basis and a decrease of 2.8% in Swiss francs when compared to 2022.

The good growth was achieved across product segments and geographies, with the high growth markets growing at 10.0% on an LFL basis and the mature markets declining by 0.6% LFL.


Solid performance puts us in a position to drive inclusive, economic growth, supporting our customers’ own market expansion plans and providing them with growth opportunities through the use of our products.


CHF million sales like-for-like1


sales growth


free cash flow as a % of sales


CHF dividend per share²

  1. Like-for-like (LFL) is defined as: (a) sales calculated using the invoicing exchange rates of the prior year, and (b) excluding sales of businesses acquired from the acquisition date until the period end date, up to 12 months from the acquisition date.

  2. Subject to approval of shareholders at the AGM on 21 March 2024.

Component content
Group sales

Group sales

in millions of Swiss francs
Free cash flow

Free cash flow

in millions of Swiss francs

Taste & Wellbeing sales

Taste & Wellbeing sales

in millions of Swiss francs
Fragrance & Beauty sales

Fragrance & Beauty sales

in millions of Swiss francs

Group EBITDA margin

Comparable EBITDA margin

in millions of Swiss francs
Group operating income

Group operating income

in millions of Swiss francs

