Acting together in our Brazilian coffee supply chain

Brazilian coffee plant
  • Section title
  • A collaborative approach to shared challenges
  • Increasing impact together
  • Accelerating progress on human rights
  • Enhancing nature action
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We source thousands of ingredients from all over the world, often from complex supply chains in fragile locations. 

This is why we have set a specific ambition to source all materials and services in a way that protects people and the environment by 2030.

Assuring appropriate labour conditions is a key part of this, aligned to our ambition to improve the lives of millions of people in the communities where we source and operate. This also allows us to promote a Company culture that values the wellbeing of its employees and the communities it serves, while caring for the environment at the same time.

An example of this commitment can be seen in our ongoing efforts in the coffee supply chain in Brazil, one of our main sourcing regions for this important ingredient, which can be found in many of our creations.

A collaborative approach to shared challenges
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A collaborative approach to shared challenges

To identify key areas for improvement and action addressing both social and environmental challenges in this supply chain, we partnered with Sucafina; one of our main strategic suppliers of coffee. 

Brazilian coffee plants

The partnership is driven by Sourcing4Good, our Responsible Sourcing programme. 

Sucafina conducted an initial baseline assessment for coffee farmers in Brazil and identified key areas for improvement and intervention in areas covering both social and environmental concerns. 

This action by Sucafina is based on their own Responsible Resourcing Program: IMPACT. Our procurement and responsible sourcing teams then joined the team from Sucafina to discuss our joint responsible sourcing efforts along with Sucafina’s initial findings and to evaluate the potential for additional collaboration to address them. 

Increasing impact together
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Increasing impact together

This work was the catalyst for a joint project between Givaudan, Sucafina, Nater Coop and Solidaridad in 2024 known as ‘Cultivating Rights: Promotion of Fair Work in the Conilon Region’; the purpose of which is to further enhance our collective action and measurable impact. 

The two-year strategic project specifically aims to promote decent work, improve health and safety practices of farmers, and address issues of environmental protection through reforestation. It is expected to reach more than 200 producers and workers, and support reforestation by planting 2,000 native trees.

Accelerating progress on human rights
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Accelerating progress on human rights

The project targets a number of tangible impacts across a range of human rights activities, including risk mapping, gap assessment and the establishment of a human rights due diligence system. It is also designed to equip and build capacity among key stakeholders in the supply chain. 

For example, holding workshops with farmers on human rights due diligence and Brazilian labour legislation and implementing internal management systems to address any gaps in such systems. The project also addresses follow up and monitoring through the establishment of policies, codes of conduct and compliance mechanisms at farms. 

The construction of ecological tanks and agrochemical storage facilities, water potability analyses and measures to protect springs on farms further underlines our collective efforts.

Enhancing nature action
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Enhancing nature action

The project also responds directly to  key environmental concerns in this supply chain. For example, addressing deforestation through risk mapping and annual monitoring. Once again we also aim to directly engage and equip key stakeholders, through workshops with farmers on EU Deforestation Regulation and Brazilian environmental legislation as well as reforestation initiatives that involve the planting of 2,000 native trees on farms. Reforestation using trees that are native to the Mata Atlântica biome bring multiple benefits, including the potential for carbon sequestration, deforestation reduction and improved biodiversity.

Field work started in September 2024 and workshops are scheduled to begin in Q1 2025.

By 2026, we expect to have implemented health and safety structures including rural sanitation, drinking water safety analyses and pesticide storage on four pilot farms, thereby contributing to the wellbeing of producers and workers. We will have trained 60 farmers and some 150 workers on social and environmental legislation, best practices, and relevant management tools, thereby improving the capabilities of farmers and ensuring that responsible practices are followed.  Reforesting private protected areas by planting trees will help preserve water and reduce carbon emissions.

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Credit header image: Gerson Cifuentes
